Sarah's Corner of the Web

Hello-and-welcome. A little about myself (but not too much, I'm paranoid): I'm one of the many Sarahs prowling through your life. In an insane effort simultaneously to distinguish myself from the rest of us and take refuge in our numbers, I've designed my own homepage, but I'm not telling you my last name. I will, however, tell you that I grew up right outside the seat of our nation's power, Washington DC, which has made me an optimist and a cynic. I've fed myself through NYC, which jaded me, and now I'm in central Illinois, far from a major city for the first time in my life. It's really flat out here. I'm an aspiring writer, with undergraduate degrees in English and Psychology. I'm also an aspiring social worker, with a master's degree in social work. I just graduated, and as the courseload was rough enough to give me flareups of the bilateral wrist tendinitis and a new set of friendly visitors, bilateral elbow tendinitis (in more than one place per elbow!), these pages aren't getting updated much. I may tell you more about myself later on ("always leave them wanting more"), maybe when I update content, but for now, I think I'll just sit back and let you explore my page. Here are a few old works of fiction: a story I wrote six years ago, which got into my high school literary magazine then, 500 words of dialogue done just for fun, and something else I wrote, which got into my university literary magazine five years ago.

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This Ring of Words site is owned by Sarah Kathryn.
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Finally, a counter that works the way it's made to:
Graphic courtesy of Jeffrey Glover

This site was last updated Sunday, July 10, 2003. Specifically, links on the writing page.
I'm updating my traditional lecture on typing ergonomics and so on. I spent five years wearing my blue wrist braces while typing, on doctors' orders, and made my wrists worse in the process. It seems that having anything pressing against the bottoms of your wrists while you type is bad for the tendons. Take care of your wrists (and elbows, my newest typing injuries). If something feels wrong--painful or tingly or numb--get yourself checked out. I'll leave the pontificating to your doctor.

Feel like emailing me? (You liked this place that much?) Too bad. I lost the hotmail account because I forgot to check it for about a year, so the only way I'm giving you to get in touch with me is by leaving messages in my guestbook. Ooh, and if you could date your entry, that would be really helpful. Everyone who has already done so rocks.